Alumni Survey July 9, 2018 662 Views 1 Likes Welcome to your Alumni Survey When were you a Club Kid? (years) What Club did you attend? Please select your answer Aberdeen Club Bel Air Club Edgewood Club Havre de Grace Club North East Site Charlestown Site Rising Sun Site Elkton Site What impact, both immediate and long-lasting, did the Club have on you? Please check all that apply. It saved my life It made me more committed to my education It helped me achieve a higher education than I thought possible It made me a productive, caring, responsible citizen It helped me with my self-confidence/ self-esteem It was a place where I knew I had an adult in my life who cared about me It helped me stay out of trouble It helped me learn good leadership skills It helped me establish & fulfill my goals It introduced me to new and engaging activities What is one of your favorite memories at the Club? How far did you go in your education? Some High School High School Graduate General Educational Development (GED) or Equivalent Associate's Degree Bachelor's Degree Master's Degree Doctorate Other (please specify) Have you ever served in the military? Yes No Are you employed? Yes, Full Time Yes, Part Time No, I am not employed What is your occupation? Please contact me about the following opportunities. Add me to your mailing list Volunteering at the Club To make a donation Organizing an alumni committee Other (please specify) Can we contact you for an interview about the Boys & Girls Club? Yes No Are you interested in networking with other former Club kids/Alumni? Yes No Please select the option that best describes you. Male Female Name Email Address City/Town State/Province ZIP/Postal Code Phone Number Time's up